Saturday, November 30, 2019
Terrorism Essays (1502 words) - Terrorism, Fear, Violence, Behavior
Terrorism Terrorism by nature is difficult to define. Acts of terrorism conjure emotional responses in the victims as well as in the practitioners. No two writers agree on what is terrorism. Even the U.S. government cannot agree on one single definition. The old adage, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" is still alive and well today ("Terrorism Research Center: Definitions" 1). Although many people believe that terrorism is evil, it is merely misunderstood because there is no set definition. Terrorist are responsible to most of the freedom movements in every country. Terrorist have used violence to get their point across to the public. These acts are often necessary for the success of the movement or cause. The use of this violence can be justified in several ways. You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs has been used by terrorist to describe their actions. Terrorism has been used by governments and against them. It has been used as part of a campaign by guerrillas who have widespread support and by small groups. Terrorism has been used in societies where grievances can be expressed freely and where free speech is suppressed. In a well organized guerrilla campaign, for example, the main goal might be to destroy the governments military forces. The violence is limited to acts which will achieve that objective. This might be destroying a factory which is making arms, or putting out of action part of the government army, or bombing an airfield so that it cannot be used by government aircraft. In some cases, the use of terrorism appears to be a reaction to the disintegration of law and order. A stable society has normally evolved peaceful ways of keeping order and handling disputes between its members without violence. Once law and order breaks down, as they do in civil wars, members of society have to defend themselves in different ways. There may be in a situation where government forces are using terrorism and guerrilla forces the same methods in return. Other groups in society start using violence to defend this right and so a climate of terror emerges. What little law and order remains is maintained solely by the strongest groups using fear (Freeman 43). Terrorism has been used by groups of the right in an attempt to uphold the established system. In Northern Ireland Protestant extremist groups have used terrorism against those fighting for a united Ireland. There have been similar groups in Italy and Latin America Fighting for the return to more authoritarian and conservative forms of government. There are many different kinds of terrorism, this makes defining the word difficult. Guerrilla warfare is used in most revolutions and is a form of terrorism, whether it is indiscriminate terrorism (example: the bombing of a public places) or terrorism aimed only upon the government. Terrorism can also be used by a government to control its people. War between countries is a place were terrorism is used immensely in order to strike fear into an enemy (The Encyclopedia America 523). Terrorism is often a weapon of last resort. Most revolutions began as guerrilla terrorism. The American Revolution started out as terrorist acts against England. The "Boston Tea Party" is a prime example of terrorism. Colonial revolutionaries sneaked aboard an English Tea Merchant Ships, where they threw hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of tea into the Atlantic Ocean. Americans today think of that incident as a stride to freedom, but the English look at it as the beginning of countless terrorist acts. The Law and Order Maintenance Act of 1962 in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) included among its definitions of terrorist as anyone who went on strike if an essential service was put at risk as a result. These strikes led to the revolution of the Zimbabwe people from the Rhodesia (English) government (Freeman 21). In South Africa, the burning of the Identification cards and the bombing of several military bases by the A.N.C. (African National Congress) was the beginning of an independence movement against the Afrikaners. Terrorism is often the start of a revolution that makes the country and even the world a better place. The IRA (Irish Republican Army) would argue that they too are fighting a colonial government, the British government, which is continuing to occupy part of Ireland (Freeman 41). One of the most important duties of any government is to maintain law and order. It usually does this through a system of laws which are enforced by a police force ("Terrorism Research Center: Information Terrorism" 3). In democratic countries, these
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Tyrannosaurus Rex essays
Tyrannosaurus Rex essays As soon as I made it up the basement stairs of the Milwaukee Public Museum and into the foyer, memories began to flood my mind of familiar displays I looked upon as a little kid. I had forgotten the size of the museums oversized rooms and mammoth hallways that shelter so many colorful displays. Scenes of American Indian life preceding the city of Milwaukee, butterflies from every color of the spectrum and rare antiquities as old as King Tut himself. I immediately began visiting display after vibrant display looking for the things I remember to write about for my description paper. After about ten displays on American Indians it hits me and I remember, Tyrannosaurus Rex and the dinosaurs. I detoured my visit and traveled directly to the pre-historic reptile display. After bobbing and weaving through what seemed like fifty infant strollers and one hundred day dreaming children I reached my destination. A skeleton of a 41 million year old Stegosaurus was at the entrance to usher in visitors to this Jurassic jungle. The mood was established by walking on a stone path inside of a murky cave with stalactites reaching down to touch the top of my head. To each side of the trail were small presentations on gems and fossils but nothing as attractive or immeasurable as the display I was looking for. Stone after stone, rock after rock I began to think it was impossible to get to what was the climax of the whole dinosaur exhibit. Then I heard it. Softly at first, but with my pace beginning to quicken, the noise became more and more amplified. It was the mighty piercing roar of the real king of the jungle, T-Rex. Once my ears were able to overcome the dominant blare of his majesty, threatening sounds of rolling thunder and crashing lightning befall from the ceiling above. An orchestra composed by crickets play sporadically in the background. A light rain patter falling on everything in its path creates the rhythm. In the ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Torture Is Never Justified
Torture Is Never Justified Torture through the History The concept of torture is at the base of many conflicts that take place throughout the country. In fact, it began in ancient times with the Romans and Greeks forcing their prisoners to participate in some of the worst forms of torture we’ve ever known. Since that time, countries around the world have used everything from ‘the rack,’ tar and feathering, stoning, waterboarding and much more to torture others whether for the purpose of gaining information or simply as a method of slowly killing a prisoner. For any purpose, however, torture has never been able to be justified, at any point in our history and most definitely will not be at any point in our future. Torture Is Often Useless Many claim that torture can be justified because it comes down to the safety of the people. They believe that torturing someone in order to gain information that could potentially save lives is acceptable or even reasonable, however, this is not the case. In fact, torture is often used on those labeled as ‘traitors’ for this very purpose but is not often as effective as many would have us believe. This is because those who are being tortured, those who may know something that we would want them to divulge, are also highly trained to ignore the torture and to fight through it as long as they need to until death. As a result, the torture is being done on an individual for no purpose but perhaps a level of sadism on the part of the captor. Despite what we may be told, there is little if anything to be gained by the process. Yet another problem that arises with the concept of torture is at what point does it end? In many countries, torture is allowed for different types of crimes. In the United States, only those accused of being terrorists or prisoners of war are allowed to be tortured, yet only the accusation and not actual proof is needed. In other countries, crimes less than terrorism can be punished by torture and in still others, a crime is not even needed to enact torture on the basis of a simple belief. How could it be possible to even for those who believe in torture in some instances to say that torture is allowed in all instances per justice? And this is where the struggle begins. Because the more that torture is defended and allowed in one situation, the more others will clamor for it to be allowed in all situations. After all, every criminal situation is looking to help people, to protect people. Want to know more? Go here: When Is Military Force Justified? Single-Parent Children Behaviour Causes of Human Errors in Aircraft Accidents Human Dignity Sample Essay about Happiness What Is the Value of Human Life? The truth of the matter is that it is not only the government that participates in torture. There are also many instances of vigilante justice where the people of a country or area will join together to enact some type of vengeance on a person they perceive to have done something wrong. These individuals could be tortured with no more evidence against them than public opinion and yet, by attempting to justify torture in some senses, we are opening the door to these types of torture in any sense. The most important matter, however, that arises in this question, is that of human life. The value of human life, of human wellbeing, is written into the Constitution of the United States, ‘the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ The life and ‘pursuit of happiness’ for all people is important to us and has always been. But through torture, we strip individuals of their life and their liberty and their pursuit of happiness with the thought that, because we believe them to have done something bad, they are somehow less human. When viewing this issue of torture it is important to remember that there have been changes to it throughout time. Originally, very little was needed in order to implement torture on anyone. Over time, we have narrowed down the reasons and this is a step in the right direction. However, we have not eliminated the process altogether and this is an important next step for us to take. Torture cannot be allowed to continue in any nation that would call itself civilized because, despite what we may be told, there is no justice to be found in torture.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Investment appraisal as a form of management control Essay
Investment appraisal as a form of management control - Essay Example This is then followed by the various investment methods in practice. The traditional and discounted cash flow methods are then discussed in detail. It is essential for the management to choose the appropriate investment appraisal technique to be followed and hence the next section focuses on the selection approach. This section throws light on the merits and demerits of the various investment appraisal techniques as well. In order to understand the importance of security projects (non-financially justifiable), a case study is then taken, where a security team makes a proposal to the management to invest on a security project. It is evident that, in the corporate world, the management takes decision based on financial benefits and hence the security team has to justify the investment. The case study uses two methods, NPV and IRR, to arrive at the benefits from the investment. Based on the results, one of these methods is finalized and presented to the management. In order to understand the need for investment appraisal to management control, it is essential to discuss about the various types of investments and the degree of impact they have on a company’s growth. Any growing company continuously invests on new projects to increase its net worth or value. There are various types of investments made by companies every year. These investments can be as large as setting up an entire unit or as small as buying stationery for the company. The management needs to ensure that all the investments made by the company are justified and are necessary for the business. This is very essential as these decisions directly affect the value of the company and in turn, the shareholders. Management generally classifies all investments into financially justifiable investments and non – financially justifiable investments (Weston and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
In this paper the belief in eschatology and the notion that current Research
In this the belief in eschatology and the notion that current events are a predictor of the rapture are compared and contr - Research Paper Example The Minor Signs may or may not occur before the Major Signs, but they will be less serious in nature and possibly more open to interpretation. It is said, for example, that earthquakes will increase, but that could refer either to the number of earthquakes or to their severity, or to both. As in Christianity, interpretation of these verses is disputed among Muslim scholars and lay-people. What is clear is that in order for a Muslim to be considered a believer, he must adhere to five articles of faith, the second of which is 'Belief in the Last Day'. Eschatology is considered a fundamental aspect of Islam, belief in which is shared by all Muslims. By contrast, many branches of Christianity take a far less litera approach to eschatology, and place less importance on its ideology than on other aspects of their faith. Minor signs of the Last Day include a great many ideas which are shared with other major religious ideologies, including Christianity. Both religious make reference to trib ulation, to various disputes between individuals, sexual immoratlity, disease, and even a plague of infertility. Richardson, Joel. The Islamic Antichri
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Walden by Henry David Thoreau Essay Example for Free
Walden by Henry David Thoreau Essay In a modern America where â€Å"liberal†means â€Å"amoral,†and â€Å"idealist†means â€Å"hopeless fool,†cell-phones â€Å"ring†to the tunes of Ashlee Simpson and Eminem; SUV’s growl and vomit fumes during rush hour; TV’s blast continuous images of sex and violence, reality and fiction combined in a way to fool and entice and unify all under the blanket of consumerist conformity. Peace is an abstract concept and quiet is for the dead. The world is fast, loud, scary, and smaller than anyone ever imagined. In these fearful times, conformity and resigned desperation are the king and queen. Individuality in American society is looked upon with suspicious eyes, as even feigned unity is preferable to sincere integrity. Even â€Å"freedom†has a new meaning, as leaders repeat it like a mantra to justify the latest horrifically comical atrocity. What better time than to disappear into the woods in the pastoral tradition of the transcendentalists? Walden Summary In an 1841 oration, leading transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson said, â€Å"The universal does not attract us until housed in an individual,†and nowhere is this truer than with his friend, Henry David Thoreau, who came embody an enlightened sense of natural awareness. At a remote lake on his friend Emerson’s property, found the inspiration for Thoreau to create his masterwork about nature, individuality, changeâ€â€life. Walden captured the two years he spent on Emerson’s Concord property in the mid-1840s, Thoreau created a literary escape for those alienated by the ills of â€Å"proper†society. From the construction of his simple house, to his natural diet, to the woodland creatures that became his neighbors and lone company, every aspect of his simple existence is detailed. In eighteen chapters, Walden covers the world around Thoreau and his little cabin. With chapter titles like Economy, Where I Lived, and What I Lived For, and The Pond in Winter, the simple aspects of existence are the most important. Thoreau begins with a long chapter on Economy, in which he explains his incarceration for refusing to pay a poll-tax he saw as unjust, and his desire for simplicity. Thoreau spends a great deal of the book discussing the simplicity of Nature and how it relates to humanity, morality, and knowledge. While insight runs all through the book, Walden possesses some chapters that are particularly powerful and deal with knowledge, individualism, and friendship. In the chapter Reading, Thoreau explains the importance of books saying, â€Å"To read well, that is, to read true books in a true spirit, is a noble exercise, and one that will task the reader more than any exercise which the customs of the day esteem. It requires training such as the athletes underwent the steady intention almost of the whole life to this object. †This quote is very important because Thoreau is saying that reading is not an easy task, but it also requires lots of practice and training just as athletes undergo. Throughout the chapter, Thoreau states how everyone should read books, and modern humans could end up like pygmies and manikins. â€Å"No wonder that Alexander carried the Iliad with him on his expeditions in a precious casket†(Thoreau). To Thoreau, reading and knowledge are the keys to civilization. In the chapter on Solitude, Thoreau explains how being alone is not at all a bad thing. â€Å"But for the most part it is as solitary where I live as on the prairies. It is as much Asia or Africa as New England, I have, as it were, my own sun and moon and stars, and a little world all to myself. †Thoreau does not look at solitude as being something bad or a punishment, but looks at it as if it were a gift. When he says that he has his own little world all to himself, it makes readers ponder their own solitude. To Americans in the twenty-first century, the concept of solitude is relatively foreign, but as described by Thoreau, it makes it more desirable. In the chapter Visitors, Thoreau talks about how having people around is just as good as being in solitude. â€Å"I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society. When visitors came in larger and unexpected numbers there was but the third chair for them all, but they generally economized the room by standing up. †When Thoreau said that he wanted to keep things as simple as possible, he meant it, offering only three chairs to his visitors. Thoreau says that it was amazing how he could fit twenty-five to thirty people in his tiny house, and how that brought him and all of his visitors closer together. â€Å"I could not but notice some of the peculiarities of my visitors. Girls and boys and young women generally seemed glad to be in the woods. They looked in the pond and at the flowers, and improved their time. †(Coleridge) Negative Criticisms Walden is required reading for many high school students unfamiliar with the things Thoreau discusses in the book. He explained the importance and necessity of reading, he showed how being alone is usually a good thing, and he also showed how great visitors can be. While many high school students appreciate visitors, reading and solitude are things they avoid. Today a majority of high school students do not read books because it is considered â€Å"boring,†and with todays technology, no one has to read. With news and TV, someone or something else often reads to most people. Despite the fact that many people in modern America do not read, Walden is still read by many reluctant students who would rather be online or on the phone. Thoreau defends his book against those who read and fail to understand what they are reading: â€Å"It is not all books that are as dull as their readers. †The people who might find the insights of Thoreau and the desire for the simple life boring, are in fact boring thinkers. Some others may find Thoreau’s distrust of modern civilization misplaced, as many find the progress of the industrial and computer revolutions to be ideal for humanity. The idea of sacrificing that for a rough life in the woods may seem ludicrous. Someone like Thoreau may be seen as a crazy hippie or mountain man, and today’s world favors the engineers, entertainers, and the high life. Society has not simplified one bit in the last one hundred fifty years, and this could signify that Walden has had little real effect on American culture. However, this is not the case in American literature. Positive Criticisms Few question the importance of Henry David Thoreau’s Walden in American literature. Thoreau’s descriptions of life in its simplest and most idyllic continue to inspire conservation efforts and serve as a testament to the value of Nature. From the construction of his house in the thick of the New England woods, to his diet, and to the woodland creatures that became his neighbors and lone company, every aspect of his simple existence is elegantly detailed. Much of his reverence for Nature leads contemporary Americans to believe Thoreau and Walden to be exclusively environmental and conversationalist, but those truly enamored with Thoreau and his transcendentalist ideals know better. Walden retains a timeless wisdom, reminding readers the value of smelling the proverbial roses. â€Å"Our life is frittered away by detail†¦ Simplify, simplify†(Thoreau 89). Whether in the throws of the Industrial Revolution as Thoreau, or in the era of ambitious terrorism and open-ended declarations of war as modern humans, details create confusion. Humans forget about life while they live it, often concerned mainly with conformity. â€Å"Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer†(317). Perhaps, the strongest issue put forth in the book is that of individuality, as themes of self-reliance and stoicism run throughout the work. Individualism, the importance of the individual, self-reliance, and personal independence is one of the leading characteristics of the era of Romanticism. Henry David Thoreau wrote about individualism and demonstrated his belief by the way he lived. Living at Walden Pond, standing up to his government, refusing to pay a poll-tax to a government with which he viewed as corrupt are examples of his fierce independence and individuality. Thoreau is a stellar example of what individuality can produce. A worthy goal is to make the effort to devote oneself to thought and work, to in fact nurture ones own individuality, rather than becoming lost in the mainstream of life. This will allow greater individuality and diversity to complement current day society. The true secret to Walden’s success and timelessness is that Americans still make the same mistakes and take the same things for granted as they did 150 years ago. Everything still applies, in nature and man. Only the details have changed. Technology still marches on; war still looms large over the landscape; America continues to grow and spread its influence, for better or worse. In the case of Thoreau, for better, at least according to George Eliot who said, â€Å"we have a bit of pure American life (not the go a-head species, but its opposite pole), animated by that energetic, yet calm spirit of innovation†(Eliot 46). In modern America, where the go a-head species lead us blindly into an abyss, it is the voices of Americans like Thoreau: peacefully simple. Perhaps, Emerson said it best when he eulogized his friend, â€Å"No truer American existed than Thoreau†(Emerson). And, there have been few books that have been more American than Walden. Conclusion Thoreau went to the woods to get to the most basic facts of life and to appreciate and enjoy everything about these most basic facts. Thoreau viewed the woods in particular, and Nature in general, as a teacher of life and living. Thoreau believed that the simpler his life became the greater his opportunity to appreciate life. Thoreau did not want to allow society to determine that which he knew as life. To live an existence based on the common experience of others would be as to neglect ones own experience. Individualism and an appreciation for nature and solitude do not necessarily mean living as a hermit. Thoreau believed that in order to truly appreciate life, to understand and experience life as ones own life, it is necessary to quiet the mind of all the surrounding trappings of society. To this day, Walden serves as one of the greatest examples of the benefits of living the simple life. References Coleridge, S. T. , (1969). The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. ed. Kathleen Coburn, Princeton: Princeton UP. , 6: 30. Eliot, G. (1988). â€Å"Review of Walden. †Critical Essays on Thoreau’s Walden. Ed. Joel Myerson. Boston: C. K. Hall Co. , 46. Emerson, R. W. (8 Dec. 1997). â€Å"The Eulogy of Henry David Thoreau. †RWE. org – The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Accessed 29 Jan. 2007 from http://www. rwe. org/pages/eulogy_of_thoreau. htm Thoreau, H. D. (2004). Walden: A Fully Annotated Edition. Ed. Jeffery S. Cramer. New Haven: Yale University Press. (Original work published 1854)
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Graves Disease Essay -- Graves disease Biology Essays
Graves' Disease The disease was first noted in 1786 by Caleb Hillier Parry 1755- 1822, physician from General Hospital, Bath, England. His account was published posthumously in 1825. However Graves' disease is named after the Irish physician who described several cases in London Medical Journal in 1835. Graves' disease is also known as Parry's disease. In Europe, the disease is known as Basedow's disease. It is the most common cause of thyrotoxicosis (the morbid condition due to over activity of the thyroid gland). The disorder has three major manifestations: Hyperthyroidism with diffuse goiter Ophthalmopathy and Dermopathy The three manifestations need not appear together. Indeed one or two never appear, and moreover, the three may run courses that are largely independent of one another. Graves' disease can occur at any age but is unusual before puberty. It most commonly affects the 30 to 50 year age group. The disease is more frequent in women, the ratio of predominance in women may be as high as 7 : 1. Genetic factors play a role. There is an association between the disease and the genes HLA ( human leucocyte antigen) B8, -DRw3, -Bw36, -Bw46. Indeed, a 50% concordance is found between identical twins. This means that if one individual in an identical pair of twins is afflicted with Graves' disease, the likelihood of the other sibling coming down with Graves' is 50%. Being an autoimmune disease, there is a clinical and immunologic overlap between Graves' disease and other diseases with prominent autoimmune features. These include Hashimoto's thyroiditis, pernicious anemia, systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE), rheumatoid arthritis ( RA), insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus ( IDDM), and Addison's disease. Thyroid hormones are important mediators of growth and differentiation. The absence of which leads to cretins in childhood. The hormones are also responsible for the regulation of the various metabolic pathways which are vital for life. They are necessary for the normal function of many organ systems. In the thyroid gland, multiple follicles make, store and release thyroid hormones into the surrounding capillaries. These little vessels then bring the hormones to the rest of the body where they are needed. "Thyroid hormones" refers mainly to two hormones T3 and T4, which are single, amino acids containing iodine. They are p... ...tient is willing to take replacement Thyroxine for life, the simplest approach may be the use of radioiodine. There are arguments for and against giving radioiodine to children and young persons who plan to have children. Previously, clinicians are unwilling to advise its use under the age of 45. This restriction is now rapidly being laxed as there is no convincing evidence that there is significant increase in the incidence of cancers occurring in adulthood secondary to its usage. Radioiodine can ensure that mothers are not taking anti- thyroid drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, an argument can be made for using this treatment method for all age groups except when pregnant or breastfeeding. Relapse of Graves' disease after medical therapy may be managed with a second course, but at this point radioiodine is preferred. During pregnancy and breastfeeding periods, PTU ( propylthiouracil) appears to be the safest drug to use. And surgery is advised in cases with the presence of concomitant suspicious nodule. Each of the 3 major treatments ( anti- thyroid drugs, surgery and radioactive iodine) has their own advantages and disadvantages compared to the others.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Career Goal Essay
My short term goal – immediately upon completion of the MBA – is to enter the field of FMCG marketing. My aim is to take up a challenging product marketing position with a top global consumer goods company. This role would give me the opportunity to identify target market segments, and devise strategies to tap into them. By working on the design and execution of marketing campaigns, I will be able to combine my newly acquired business skills with my inherent creativity and channel it in a way that helps my organization grow. I have deep interest in gaining extensive learning in the field of marketing. Over a period of a few years I aim to become an expert in end-to-end marketing strategy and execution. This expertise will help me achieve my longer term goal – to set up a niche marketing consultancy for the health foods and nutrition snacks sector. My consultancy will provide a one-stop solution for marketing and promotion activities such as market research, market targeting and segmentation and implementation of marketing programs. My firm will allow me to leverage my love of marketing for bringing healthy food supplements that benefit society as a whole. Through my work in commercial sales, I have gained experience in understanding complex and fragmented market landscapes, identifying market gaps that the business can serve, bridging operational ability with market needs and negotiating with suppliers and customers. I have learned the art of managing customer expectations and building strong customer relationships even under difficult delivery constraints and economic conditions. All of these will be valuable in my marketing career. Additionally, the MBA degree will help me address the gaps that presently exist in my competencies. The MBA program will give me exposure to multi-domain business knowledge from finance to supply chain to human resources to technology. More importantly, it will help me understand the interplay between business functions, and between the business and its competitive environment. This will be instrumental in devising optimal marketing strategies that best serve the organization’s vision. Through the MBA, I will also gain expertise in the use of popular marketing frameworks to identify market needs and gaps, and determine appropriate pricing strategies. Soft skills, such as presentation and communication skills, are also vital to success in marketing. The MBA degree will greatly help me enhance my soft skills. It will also give me the opportunity to network and build professional relationships with peers and alumni – who themselves are successful business executives. These networks will be instrumental in my career growth as well as in establishing my business venture in the future. The comprehensive set of competencies that the MBA will equip me with makes will give me the perfect platform to reach my career objectives.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Moral philosophy
In the film entitled ‘Liar Liar’ scripted by Paul Guay and Stephen Mazur, there several charaters who feature. These include such people as Fletcher Reede’s acting as Jimmy Carey, Justin cooper acting as Max, Maura Tierney as Reed’s estranged wife, and Jenniffer Tilly among others ( ). The movie is about smooth-talking attorney and habitual liar, manipulating his way to the helm of his job a local law company through winning great challenging cases. In the course of the film we find his son celebrating his fifth birthday. The son is seen at one time trying to encourage his father to lies.  This is because it is portrayed that this main character has lived and earned his career through lies. It is not clear whether that he will be able to win a case involving a character by the name Samantha Cole whose cases is on infidelity. The main character is also faced with the challenge of stopping his ex-wife taking his son to live with her in Boston. Through the application of lies Carrey survives in his career without the web of lies on which his career depends. In the movie Liar Liar, though clouded in comic laughter, there are several incidences whereby some acts are portrayed as immoral. The main character in this film in his endeavors to push his career up, he did some things which proved to be immoral. He pursued his cases based on a web of lies which worked wonders for. Though to him this was a success the acts were in themselves immoral. Based on Kant’s moral philosophy which states that an action is immoral not by virtue of its consequences but by the actual intentions of the actions. Kant further argued that moral requirements are based on a standard of rationality which he describes as â€Å"Categorical Imperative†(CI). In this case immorality will entail a violation of the categorical imperative and is therefore not rational ( To be straight to the point, it is clear that we are commanded to exercise our wills in a particular manner and not to do some actions or others. It is therefore categorical in the course of applying to us unreservedly, or merely because we possesses rational wills. This is true because without indication to any ends that we might or might not have ( Like his predecessors, Kant argues that moral requirements are based on standards of rationality which are either desire-based instrumental principles of rationality or based on pother rational intuitions. According to the film the main character acts against his duty of being honest to his clients and the public. This is against his duty to which he is called to. According to Kant, this is the only moral motive. In order to act morally people should to what is right guided by a sense of duty ( To conclude the movie gives us a picture of how people behave during their day to day life. During such times they go about doing things which to them are perceived as moral yet in actual sense do not constitute morality. The philosopher in this case i.e. Kant gives the true picture of what is moral and not moral. Works cited Truth and true professional, available at:, assessed on April 6, 2008 Kant: the moral order, available at:, assessed on April 6, 2008 What is the basis of your moral philosophy?, available at: – 65k – assessed on April 6, 2008 Liar Liar – film review, available at:, assessed on April 6, 2008 Moral Philosophy I think that moral philosophy of Jeremy Bentham is the best suited for business and decision-making. Bentham’s philosophy is based on three principles of the greatest happiness, universal egoism and artificial identification of one’s interests. His philosophy is also referred to as utilitarianism. For example, Bentham argues: â€Å"By the principle of utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question: or, what is the same thing in other words, to promote or to oppose that happiness†. I think that in our tough and often hostile business environment it is better to be universal egoism because in such a way you remain strong and steadfast defending your positions at the market place. The principle of greatest happiness can be interpreted in the way that company’s success makes leadership happy. Actually, Bentham philosophy is rational and logical, therefore, it is the best suited for our rational world. Bentham emphasizes the usefulness of things and actions meaning that everything should have its own place and purpose because it will lead to general happiness. Bentham approach is naturalistic as he promotes universal hedonism. He assumes that the primary motivators are pleasure and pain. The same is in business – when pain is felt, leadership and team do their best to cure the pain. Bentham also argues that humans are always seeking for the greatest happiness because their interests are interrelated with interests of other humans. Bentham’s moral philosophy held the advantage as the principle of utility is very popular. Compared to other principles, the principle of utility is very velar and enables decisions to be made where there is a need to solve the conflict of legitimate interests. Bentham’s philosophy is a fundamental commitment to human equality. Bentham’s principle of utility suggests that â€Å"one man is worth just the same as another man†. References Jeremy Bentham. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 19, 2007, from        Moral Philosophy In my opinion, David Hume’s moral philosophy is the best suited for business and decision-making process because it proclaims the principles justice, charity, benevolence, and patience. Moreover, Hume argues that ethics should play important role in decision-making process as it gives thinkers an opportunity to make such a decision won’t oppose anybody’s suggestions or preferences. He says that moral agent is motivated by character traits which nature is either virtuous or vicious. If a person is willing to donate money or things for charity, his actions are motivated by virtuous traits. In business decision-making, he notes, such traits should be natural and instinctive, and only in such person will make really ethical decisions. Hume’s moral philosophy is distinct and exact. (Fieser 2006) For example, Hume clearly divides qualities into virtuous and vice. The natural virtues are meekness, generosity, charity and benevolence, whereas artificial or vice virtues are chastity, greediness, dishonesty, and keeping promises. It seems that Hume places qualities needed for a well-ordered states as artificial. I think that in such a way he wants to show that business and decision-making should natural and instinctive. Agents are provided with psychological roles, though in certain situation a person may refer to more than entrusted role. (Fieser 2006) David Hume concludes that there are four categories of qualities necessary for moral business running and decision-making: 1.     Qualities useful for others: charity, fidelity, meekness, and benevolence; 2.     Qualities useful for oneself: patience and perseverance; 3.     Qualities agreeable to others: cleanliness, eloquence, and wit; 4.     Qualities agreeable to oneself: pride, humor, and self-esteem. Actually, David Hume discusses all the qualities which are considered the core of adequate business running. It is necessary to mention that to make really ethical decision means to use trained sensitivity to ethical issues. (Fieser 2006) References Fieser, Jame. (2006). Hume’s Moral Theory. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from     Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Rave Community
The Rave Community According to Webster’s dictionary a community is defined as a body of people living in the same place under the same laws. With this definition, the concept of a community can virtually be applied to any group of people anywhere, and it is. Our society has numerous communities weather they are religious educational or geographic. There is one community that is present in almost every other community through at least one person. This is the rave culture. Some people might beg to differ that a rave fits the definition of a community. By looking at the history of how the rave community came to be, the people who embody it, and the â€Å"laws†or philosophy that they share, it is obvious that ravers have community all of their own existing perfectly in beat with all the other communities in today’s society. When a person examines a culture, a community or a society it is vital to study it’s history and origin so that we can gain a better understanding of why they are as they are now. The rave culture and community can be traced back as far as one would like to research it. Many people see a correlation between the rave scene and the 1960’s hippy movement with the be-ins the love-ins and the acid tests ( Native American and African spiritual dances are very similar to the rave community’s gatherings (Brown) and some times even resembles the anarchist revolution in France and Italy (Collin, 84). The history is so complex that it could easily make a paper on it’s own, however the actual rave community that we know today has a more solid origin. Prior to 1987- 1988,the rave community was virtually non-existent. Around this time however small dance parties were springing up around Europe, mostly in England and Germany. As the popularity of these European all night parties grew so did its popularity around the world. With in years it had traveled to Australia, Japan and eventually America ... Free Essays on Rave Community Free Essays on Rave Community The Rave Community According to Webster’s dictionary a community is defined as a body of people living in the same place under the same laws. With this definition, the concept of a community can virtually be applied to any group of people anywhere, and it is. Our society has numerous communities weather they are religious educational or geographic. There is one community that is present in almost every other community through at least one person. This is the rave culture. Some people might beg to differ that a rave fits the definition of a community. By looking at the history of how the rave community came to be, the people who embody it, and the â€Å"laws†or philosophy that they share, it is obvious that ravers have community all of their own existing perfectly in beat with all the other communities in today’s society. When a person examines a culture, a community or a society it is vital to study it’s history and origin so that we can gain a better understanding of why they are as they are now. The rave culture and community can be traced back as far as one would like to research it. Many people see a correlation between the rave scene and the 1960’s hippy movement with the be-ins the love-ins and the acid tests ( Native American and African spiritual dances are very similar to the rave community’s gatherings (Brown) and some times even resembles the anarchist revolution in France and Italy (Collin, 84). The history is so complex that it could easily make a paper on it’s own, however the actual rave community that we know today has a more solid origin. Prior to 1987- 1988,the rave community was virtually non-existent. Around this time however small dance parties were springing up around Europe, mostly in England and Germany. As the popularity of these European all night parties grew so did its popularity around the world. With in years it had traveled to Australia, Japan and eventually America ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
South Africas National Holidays
South Africa's National Holidays When Apartheid ended and the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela came into power in South Africa in 1994, the national holidays were changed to days that would be meaningful to all South Africans. March 21: Human Rights Day On this day in 1960, the police killed 69 people at Sharpeville who were participating in a protest against the pass laws- laws which demanded and blacks always carry passes. Many protesters were shot in the back. The carnage made world headlines. Four days later the government banned black political organizations, many leaders were arrested or went into exile. During the Apartheid era, there were human rights abuses by all sides; the remembrance of Human Rights Day is but one step to ensure that the people of South Africa are aware of their human rights and to ensure that such abuses never again occur. April 27: Freedom Day This was the day in 1994 when the first democratic election was held in South Africa, i.e. an election when all adults could vote irrespective of their race, as well as the day in 1997 when the new constitution took effect. May 1: Workers Day Many countries around the world commemorate the contribution made by workers to society on May Day (America doesnt celebrate this holiday because of its communist origins). It has traditionally been a day to protest for better wages and working conditions. Given the role that trade unions played in the fight for freedom, it is unsurprising that South Africa commemorates this day. June 16: Youth Day On June 1976 students in Soweto rioted in protest against the introduction of Afrikaans as the language of instruction of half their school curriculum, sparking eight months of violent uprisings across the country. Youth Day is a national holiday in honor of all the young people who lost their lives in the struggle against Apartheid and Bantu Education. July 18: Mandela Day On 3 June 2009 in his State of the Nation address President Jacob Zuma announced the annual celebration of South Africas most famous son- Nelson Mandela. Mandela Day will be celebrated on the 18th of July each year. It will give people in South Africa and all over the world the opportunity to do something good to help others. Madiba was politically active for 67 years, and on Mandela Day people all over the world, in the workplace, at home and in schools, will be called upon to spend at least 67 minutes of their time doing something useful within their communities, especially among the less fortunate. Let us wholeheartedly support Mandela Day and encourage the world to join us in this wonderful campaign. Despite his reference to wholehearted support, Mandela Day failed to become a national holiday; but Nelson Mandela International Day was established by the United Nations in November of 2009. Aug. 9: National Womens Day On this day in 1956, some 20,000 women marched to the Union government Buildings in Pretoria to protest against a law requiring black women to carry passes. This day is celebrated as a reminder of the contribution made by women to society, the achievements that have been made for womens rights, and to acknowledge the difficulties and prejudices many women still face. Sept. 24: Heritage Day Nelson Mandela used the phrase rainbow nation to describe South Africas diverse cultures, customs, traditions, histories, and languages. This day is a celebration of that diversity. Dec. 16: Day of Reconciliation Afrikaners traditionally celebrated 16 December as the Day of the Vow, remembering the day in 1838 when a group of Voortrekkers defeated a Zulu army at the Battle of Blood River, while ANC activists commemorated it as the day in 1961 when the ANC started to arm its soldiers to overthrow Apartheid. In the new South Africas its a day of reconciliation, a day to focus on overcoming the conflicts of the past and building a new nation.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Behavioral Aspects of Project Management Paper Essay
Behavioral Aspects of Project Management Paper - Essay Example Establishing mutual norms and assumptions of behavior in organization, culture therefore influences the selection, priorities and ultimate success of projects. Manifested in its key elements, such as ceremonies, rituals, stories and symbols, culture can encourage certain projects, running the project on time and within budget, close team cooperation and commitment to project goals. For example, the company can hold an annual ceremony to recognize and reward the most successful team of the year or the best team that completed the project strictly on schedule and within budget. Such ceremonies then become a part of the organization's culture, which in turn influences the future projects' selection and success. One of the major components of team commitment is organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). "OCBs are acts that promote the organization's interest, but are not formally a part of any person's documented job requirements. They include behaviors such as volunteering for assignments,staying late to finish a task, or voicing opinion on critical organizational issues" (Wagner and Hollenbeck, 2005, p. 144).
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